The strategic alternative to VitalQIP

Considering a VitalQIP migration? Look no further than Adaptive DNS.


Can your legacy DDI vendor
meet today’s business demands?

The time to replace your legacy system is now.

As your business evolves, your DNS infrastructure needs a centralized DDI solution that is flexible, scalable, and feature-rich to evolve with it. You need to upgrade your network management to support hybrid cloud deployments, cybersecurity initiatives, virtualization, and any digital transformation.

A shaky foundation of core network services.

Your business is at risk when depending on an outdated DDI solution. The growing number of neglected bugs and security fixes makes your network highly vulnerable. As your appliances become antiquated, compliance also becomes a challenge. Keeping up with business demands just got a lot harder.

Take the first step towards an enterprise grade DDI.

DNS is our business so we know that every migration is different. We’re not fans of the “one size fits all” approach. We learn about the complexities of your unique systems and develop a tailored migration plan for your business. Combined with architectural similarity between BlueCat and VitalQIP, migrations are simple.

The largest, most complex VitalQIP customers trusted BlueCat for their migrations

200k DNS records
100k DHCP clients
10k+ networks
1k DNS zones

3M+ internal DNS records
1.5M+ IP addresses
60k+ external DNS records
9k+ external DNS zones
2.5k+ internal DNS zones

200k DNS records
100k DHCP clients
10k+ networks
1k DNS zones

DNS migrations without the fear and instability

Here’s what you get with a BlueCat migration
Custom Migration Planning

We work with your team to develop a migration plan according to your timelines and your network.

Feature Parity with VitalQIP

No other DNS solution provider can claim the same level of architectural and feature similarity with VitalQIP.

Data Quality

Data cleansing is critical step to ensure an efficient migration. No garbage enters your shiny, new DDI platform.

Business Continuity

Zero downtime. Seamless integration. That’s our promise to you.

Subscription Model

Stop counting boxes. Leverage your OpEx budget and simply pay for what you use.

Trusted Migration Experts

Transition with peace of mind. Our migration experts have handled transitions both big and small.

Considering migration?
We think you might be interested in the following:

White paper

Migrating to BlueCat Adaptive DNS

In this whitepaper, explore our proven methodology and the processes we use to ensure successful migrations to BlueCat’s Adaptive DNS solution.

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Our process for a successful BlueCat migration

Explore the details of our proven methodology and the specific processes we use to ensure successful migrations to BlueCat’s Adaptive DNS solution.

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Data sheet

BlueCat Migration services

BlueCat migration services help you methodically move DNS networks and workloads, mitigating risk to your data and core business functions.

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Data sheet

BlueCat Edge-enabled migrations

With BlueCat Edge, simplify migrations from legacy systems using intelligent forwarding and Adaptive Plugins while reducing downtime risk.

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IPv4 vs IPv6: What’s the difference?

The transition to IPv6 is here. Learn more with BlueCat about the necessity of it, the timeline, and the numerous benefits and challenges of IPv4 vs IPv6.

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GAO report reveals difficulty of IPv6 migrations

How difficult are IPv6 migrations? A recent GAO report on DOD’s transition plan provides some sobering conclusions.

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eBook: The Cost of Free

This eBook outlines the journey from the functional to the inevitable, when you realize your free DNS is anything but. See how both tactical and strategic…

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Before migrating, cleansing your DDI data is crucial

During a DDI migration, it’s important to get ahead of any bad data and misconfigurations before they wreak havoc on your future solution.

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